Created the role of
Teddy Roosevelt
at the Paper Mill Playhouse on Broadway
“Kevin Carolan is
simply bully as
Theodore Roosevelt.”
– Michael Sommers

Appeared on Broadway from
March 2012 – April 2013
Opening Night on Broadway with
John Brady, Nick Sullivan, Mark Aldrich and Stuart Marland
Proud to be an Oldsie!

Three Newsies who aren’t Teddy Roosevelt
The Photographer
“Sergei Einstein”

The Barber
“Nunzio Leary”
The Copper

At the recording of the
Newsies Original Cast Album
with Nick Sullivan

At the 2012 Tony Awards!
Harvey Fiernstein helps an injured friend.

#SIP Saturday Intermission Picture
With Tom Schumacher at the 2012
AEA’s Outstanding Broadway chorus
Award Ceremony

Newsies 1 Year Anniversary